Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All kinds of excitement :)

Just in case you wondered, jumping up and down while squealing into the communal phone frightens some septuagenarians and simply bemuses others.  This afternoon 2 were amused, 1 didn't notice, and 1 was slightly frightened.  You see, I found out that I was accepted to Candler School of Theology.  This thrilled my little soul more than I would care to admit.

A snapshot of my afternoon: There was the initial spring from desk, arms extended with a barely stifled "YES!"  Then, a grab for the cell phone...realization that it only functions as a fancy paperweight here...dash for volunteer quarters phone only to discover that I didn't remember how to call out of campus.  Millisecond of defeat, sprint back to computer to discover 0 people on Skype, yes ZERO.  Big sigh.  Good news must be shared/celebration is a communal activity...FACEBOOK!  The cyber-world is informed of my happiness. Hear footsteps and spring out of chair to get phone assistance, Mom MUST be called.  Happy dance.  Squeaky phone message to mom and attempt to call dad.  Happy dance again.  Excited Skype chat despite internet issues. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance.  Walk across campus to dinner.  Luckily the cold air, rain, and walk calm me a bit.  Also a bit of a humbling prayer conversation "Right God, so I celebrated big time but forgot to thank you.  So let's talk and let me say a million times THANKS!!!!!"

Don't worry, given ANY opportunity, I return to enthusiastic-childlike-bouncy-squealy celebration.  However, I can now contain myself in public (most likely, if you are reading this you probably no longer count as 'public')

To top it off, I was invited to dinner across campus *please refer back to walk mentioned in celebration description*.  All kinds of stories were told, traveling stories, Red Bird stories, spicy food stories. (I have a couple of whoops I tried to eat that stories.)  It was great fun and included extreme chocolate moosetracks ice cream.  Good times.  Excitement + sugar high = good times.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

New place, new blog, new coat!

Hi friends.  So it's been a while.  I've moved to a different service site.  I'm now at Red Bird Mission still learning about this whole rebuilding/missions thing.  

Let me say, that Red Bird is quite the mission complex.  They have immediate relief, school, medical, economic development, church (well pretty close), and elderly attention.  Pretty much you need it, they have it.

I will freely admit that I am exhausted after having been worked into the ground by a 78 year old Michigan farmer.  He is adorable, adorned in navy blue coveralls with several plaid patches, thick glasses and a black trucker hat.  Don't be fooled by his slow amble though; the man just keeps working.  He's like a Michigan Enegizer bunny. 

From ASP to the Bahamas to Redbird, I have effectively learned never underestimate the elderly crews.  They can still kick your booty/ outwork you.  And usually do it with a sweet smile on their face.

Blessing to you all from my toasty room, peeking out into sightly snow-covered the night! 

P.S.  My new coat rocks. I am now an avid Carhart fan (the brand of workclothes).  I have a work jacket that is the bomb.com.  It's Carhart canvas, sherpa-lined with a fabulous cut that covers my backside!  Super warm and wonderful :)